To Lucifer & Michael

May 28, 2020


At these trying times when the dividing line between good and evil is thinning out, 

let our prayers be more daring and fearless.

#WARNING: This could be disturbing, revolting, and heretical to some.





Thank you, Oh Lord of the Most High, for sending me Your messenger of Light Michael the Archangel and the Seraphims and Cherubims, together with all the Hosts of Angels in Heaven. 

I thank You also, Oh Lord, for sending me Your messengers of Darkness, Lucifer, the demons, and devils that have also been doing excellent works in bringing me back to Your fold. 

After long reflection, I now come to realize that Lucifer and the demons are really helping me go to the Light, the Source of all Creation.

Thank you Lucifer because, by your relentless efforts to sow the seeds of darkness and your persistent attempts to tempt me to commit evil, many of which I have succumbed to, I have come to the realization that you were not really intending me to go to hell, but simply test how strong is my love to the Lord God Almighty.

My great fear towards you has been transformed into one of deep love. After all, we all came from the same source of Light and Love.

Oh Most Compassionate and Merciful God, the Source of Life and Creation, and to which all creatures must go home, I earnestly pray that You bring Lucifer and its hosts of Dark Angels back to Your fold before the Day of Reckoning.

I am mindful of what you said to your Prophet Isaiah (45:7): "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.” 

Being Omnipotent, I know that, by Your will and action, nothing is impossible (Luke 1:37; Matthew 19:16-30). I believe that in the end, all we, your creatures, will once again be brought back to Your abode, which is our home too, just as You welcomed the lost son in Your Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-42).