The Eternal Source
Buddhist Temple - Vito Cruz Ext., Malate, Manila

Hindu Temple - Paco, Manila

Sikh Temple - United Nations Avenue



The Cosmic God
From the cosmic perspective, there is only one God. This is the Cosmic God. But why are there so many Gods and Goddesses? We can cite, for example, the world’s major religious beliefs like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Atheism. As modern science and ancient teachings have shown, we find a clear trend and pattern leading toward a possible convergence of just One Divine Cosmic Being. Could we all then be referring to the same God? If so, why are we quarreling with each other?
The Watchmaker
July 23, 2023
It's hard to imagine a watch without a watchmaker, much less to imagine a watchmaker making a watch without a purpose. All creatures are created for a purpose. There is no such thing as accident, luck, chance, random mutation, or natural selection. This is most especially true to us human beings. But some of us fail to recognize our purpose in life. Many others fail to live life fully according to the purpose for which the Creator intended them to follow. It’s as much our challenge to know our real purpose as to realize it by making this knowledge existential, experiential, and experimental. Just reminding myself.
The True and Real God
Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D.
September 24, 2023
The true and real God is not the God of religion and not the God Particle of quantum physics. In this respect, let me instead use the term “The Primary Source of Everything” or for short “The Source” to avoid the many negative connotations and misinterpretations the Scriptures and Churches ascribe to God.
The Source is not cruel, vengeful, or hateful. It does not give 10 commandments for its creatures to follow. There are no written rules except those that are inside us and those that are operating in Nature, for example, gravity and causality.
The Source does not punish or condemn us to hell or purgatory when we are bad or sent to heaven when we are good. There’s no heaven, hell, or purgatory in the higher dimensions. These “places” are states of our mind; they are inside us. We create them ourselves by the kind and quality of our thoughts, emotions, and actions. These places are here on Earth.
The Source does not delight in giving and saddling us with more pain and suffering. We have enough of them already. The Source is not a masochistic and narcissistic being.
The Source is loving and compassionate. It is perfect and does not need us to be more perfect. It does not need any of our offerings or rituals. For it is already full, complete, whole, and perfection in itself.
The Source does not judge us and has nothing to do with our salvation. Our sins are not our fault. We have to save ourselves because we are the cause of our own downfall. We are the only ones who know whether we are right or wrong, good or bad, moral or immoral.
Even then, we are not in authority to judge ourselves because of our faulty and erroneous perception of what is truth and untruth, real or unreal. We should never judge ourselves for both the good and the bad are necessary for our spiritual growth. They teach us lessons about why we are good or bad. What is bad can catapult us into goodness. What is good can raise us to a higher level of goodness.
Thus, our life elevates us higher and higher closer to the Light that dispels the darkness of greed, lust, hatred, and anger that are still lurking within us. Quantum physics says both positive and negative are needed to produce a living light that can animate and brighten up the entire world.
But what does all this knowledge about the Source, the only true and real God, make of us? Will it guarantee our spiritual growth? What do we still need?
The veil that hides the meaning and attributes of God remains to this day. Yet, we continue to lift this veil. Something more lies hidden beyond what we can as yet comprehend, even as we have already unveiled many things in the past we never could have imagined we could attain had we not bravely delved into the unknown.
This is how we move on.
Proving the existence of God
Paul Dejillas, Ph.D.
June 28, 2023
Proving the existence of God using God as the basis of the answer has been found to be flawed and inconsistent. God is not adequate enough to explain everything.
This is true in the case of science. Proving the singularity that triggered the Big Bang using the singularity as the basis is also incorrect and irrational. Science is not adequate enough to explain everything.
Maybe if they join together, something new may come up. But can one prove the existence of bread by using bread as the basis of the answer?
The same thing when answering questions about religion using religion as an argument.
Or using a biblical text to answer a non-biblical argument.
In philosophy, they call this argument tautological and ontological.
All this only leads to what? Argumentation and debate, which we are taught and trained to be experts in school. It is in this manner that one wins and becomes successful in life.
The more one is skilled in philosophizing and theologizing the better and smarter one becomes. "No retreat, no surrender." "The quitter never wins." "Survival of the fittest." "Do or die."
Let's get out of the box instead and go beyond the domain of religion and science. But very few courageously take this path for fear that it might be sacrilegious to their beliefs. As a result, one becomes imprisoned and enslaved to its beliefs.
The Issue of God
Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D.
May 7, 2022
God has been the favorite topic commented on by my friends in my FB posts. This is aggravated by the fact that sometimes I say that there is no God or Gods and Goddesses. At other times, I say there is God or Gods and Goddesses.
It’s high time to put this highly controversial issue at rest, at least as far as my own personal experience and interpretation are concerned. I dare say that my relationship with my God is very personal to me.
My God is not your God and your God is not my God. For my understanding and perception of what or who is God is different from yours.
As I grow and mature, I am no longer able to accept a God who is externally imposed on me. I don’t want to be converted. Neither do I intend to convert others to my belief.
At the global scale, there are so many beliefs about the existence or nonexistence of God, Gods, or Goddesses. Buddhism and atheism do not believe in God. Together, they comprise 1.5 billion (20%) of today’s 7.9 billion souls. Then, God even called in various labels, Yahweh, God the Father, Allah, or El Shaddai, Adonai.
At the cosmic level, the God that I knew and experienced is all-embracing and encompassing. It does not divide humanity. It is not isolationist. There is no alpha; there is no omega.
In the world beyond, everything is experienced as Energy that varies only in the form and level of vibration and frequency. And this Energy is very much alive and dynamic. It is Existence itself.
Words, symbols, or concepts do not exist to describe them. Words, like God, only exist in this physical world, invented by humans to describe somebody more powerful than them, or somebody whom they can turn to for protection in times of need.
But as we delve deeper into their esoteric (or inner) teachings, we find a trend and pattern leading to a possible convergence of just one divine cosmic being. From the cosmic perspective, there is only one God and this is the cosmic God.
Yet, I avoid using the term God because of its differing and conflicting connotations. Its usage is even invoked today to justify killings, abortions, production of nuclear arms to colonize and impoverish other nations.
As a spirit, I’m not bound to adhere to this anthropomorphic God, whose teachings are already prescribed by their pastors and clergies and institutionalized in their respective Churches as dogmas.
Yet, as a spirit encased in a human body, I’m also bound to subscribe to some degree of moral and ethical norms, the most fundamental of which are contained in almost all of the major religious and non-religious beliefs of the world today.
Examples of these values are compassion, sharing, love, peace, harmony, justice, human dignity, as well as the integrity of creation.
My concern is more on how I can live on this earth as a body animated by the spirit and a spirit entombed in a body.
Yet, I cannot ignore the presence of so many religions nowadays—Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Atheism. I respect all of their teachings.
However, there must be a reason why I was born in a country that is predominantly Catholic and not in the Middle East, in Israel, Palestine, or Iraq.
Having been educated in the teachings of Master Jesus, I am impelled to follow the path that he says will lead me to the celestial abode of his Father, without closing myself to the paths trodden by other religions.
One final issue.
Religion is only a stepping stone that can catapult us to a higher dimension of life and existence. The extent to which it is successful in realizing this determines the extent to which it is able to attain the purpose for which it has been designed to achieve.
Otherwise, if it imprisons and enslaves us to its dogmatic teachings, it becomes a hindrance to reaching that ultimate abode for which the future of the entire humanity has been designed from the very beginning.
Yes, there is God and there is no God depending on which dimension one is viewing reality.
The Cosmic God
Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D.
April 15, 2022
From the cosmic perspective, there is only one God. This is the Cosmic God. But why are there so many Gods today? We can cite, for example, the world’s major religions that are competing for power today, namely, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Atheism.
This is due to their diverse exoteric (or outer) doctrines that give different names and labels to their concept of God and religion (see photos below).
But as we delve deeper into their esoteric (or inner) teachings, we find a trend and pattern leading to a possible convergence of just one divine cosmic being. Could we all be referring to the same God? If so, why are we quarreling with each other?
Credit to the Owners
Guardian of the Cosmos

Taken by me on February 4, 2019


Taken by Skywatcher Dawn Pomahatch on July 26, 2018
The Guardian of the Galaxies
Paul J. Dejillas, Ph.D. – February 4, 2019
This happened before the global pandemic. With my telescope, I was waiting for the Red Blue Moon to appear that night. But past midnight I was already getting very sleepy. No longer able to bear it, I took a quick shot of the moon with my cell phone before I went down to sleep.
It was only the following day that I noticed that something strange appeared in the photo I took early dawn. I am reluctant to ask these questions but I can't hold it for long anymore. "Am I seeing the face of the Lord and Guardian of the Stars and Galaxies? “Or is it my holy curiosity (as Albert Einstein quips) and my imagination that was getting hold of me?"
What is even stranger is that a few minutes after I posted this sighting, an FB friend of mine Dawn Pomahatch sent me her sightings of the same phenomenon a year ago. Coincidence? Design? But for what? Is the Lord and Guardian of the Galaxies sending a message to humanity?
It is believed by many that there is continuing communications between the physical and the spirit worlds, between the visible and the invisible. These communications usually carry with them signs and hidden messages that are to be deciphered. The messenger usually doesn't communicate to us in languages, but in symbols, ideas, and forms. Anyway after long reflections, I have discovered the messages that were sent only for me. Refer to the photos above.
Indeed, there are signs and still hidden messages which I am still trying to decipher. The messenger doesn't communicate to me in English or any other known languages like Italian, Spanish, or German, which I can manage a little to decode. It relays only in objects, symbols, paintings, pictures of animals, plants, concepts, feelings, even in what Christians call "visions", what psychologists call deja vu, which are very intense and vivid. Yet, I can't decipher using my mind and other physical means of cognition. I stopped thinking as per advise by Einstein and swam in silence. But, unlike him, I still am grasping to understand these signs and messages many of which are frequently repeated over the past few decades.