Sustainable Development

 Sustainable Development


problems and root causes

The Mismeasure of Wealth: Green National Product to Replace Gross National Product. [Click here].

Robert Hay. 2005. “Becoming ecosynchronous, Part 1: The root causes of our unsustainable way of life.” Sustainable Development. Volume 13, Issue 5 , Pages 311 – 325. Published Online: 2 Aug 2005. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. and ERP Environment. [Click here].

Michael R Redclift. 2000. Sustainable Development: Exploring the Contradictions. New York: Routledge.  [Click here].

“The Present State of Development.” Human Development Report 1998 Overview, United Nations Development Programme-UNDP.


unsustainable paradigms

A Jurassic Park of GDP Monsters by Vandana Shiva. [Click here]. 

Green Greed by Vandana Shiva [Click here].

meaning and indicators of sustainable development

What is Sustainable Development? [Click here].

What is Sustainable Development? by the World Bank. [Click here].

Adam Mannis. 2002. “Indicators of Sustainable Development.” University of Ulster. [Click here].

Anderson, Victor. 1991. “Alternative economic indicators.” London: Routledge, 1991. 106 pp. [Click here].

Hartmut Bossel. 1999. Indicators of Sustainable Development: Theory, Method and Applications. A Report to the Balaton Group.  International Institute for Sustainable Development. [Click here].

László PintérPeter Hardi, Peter Bartelmus. 2005. “Sustainable Development Indicators: Proposals for the Way Forward.” IISD, [Click here].

Beryl Magilavy. 2001. “Moving Sustainable  Development from Theory to Practice.”  [Click here].

Jerry Taylor. 2002. “Sustainable Development: A Dubious Solution in Search of a Problem.” Policy Analysis. No 449. August 26, 2002. Published by the Cato Institute. Washington, D.C.  [Click here].

Anup Shah. 2003. “Sustainable Development.” April 21, 2003. [Click here].

philosophy, theories, principles, guidelines

Geoffrey Lamberton. 2005. “Sustainable sufficiency - an internally consistent version of sustainability.” Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  [Click here].

Michael Redclift. 2005. “Sustainable development (1987-2005): an oxymoron comes of age.” Sustainable Development. Volume 13, Issue 4, Pages 212-227 (July 2005). Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  [Click here].

Timothy W. Luke. 2005. “Neither sustainable nor development: reconsidering sustainability in development.” Sustainable Development. Volume 13, Issue 4, Pages 228-238 (August 2005). Copyright ©; 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. [Click here].

Miguel A. Santos. 2005. “Environmental stability and sustainable development.” Sustainable Development. Volume 13, Issue 5 , Pages 326 – 336. Published Online: 17 Nov 2005. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. and ERP Environment. [Click here].

Renato J. Orsato, Stewart R. Clegg. 2005. “Radical reformism: towards critical ecological modernization.” Sustainable Development. Volume 13, Issue 4 , Pages 253 – 267. Published Online: 29 Sep 2005. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. and ERP Environment. [Click here].

Delyse Springett, Barry Foster. 2005. “Whom is sustainable development for? Deliberative democracy and the role of unions (p 271-281).” Sustainable Development. Volume 13, Issue 5 , Pages 271 – 281. Published Online: 27 Apr 2005. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. and ERP Environment. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. and ERP Environment.  [Click here].

Erling Holden, Kristin Linnerud. 2006. “The sustainable development area: satisfying basic needs and safeguarding ecological sustainability.” Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. [Click here].

Tomas Hellström. 2006. “Dimensions of environmentally sustainable innovation: the structure of eco-innovation concepts.” Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. [Click here].

Tomi J. Kallio, Piia Nordberg, Ari Ahonen. 2006. “Rationalizing sustainable development- a critical treatise.” Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  [Click here],

John Pezzy. 1992. “Sustainable Development Concepts: An Economic Analysis.” World Bank Environment Paper No. 2. [Click here].

Mohan Munasinghe. 1997. Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development. The Internal Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The World Bank. [Click here].

Susan Murcott. 1997. “Sustainability Principles, Ecosystem Principles.” Compiled by Susan Murcott, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. AAAS Annual Conference, IIASA "Sustainability Indicators Symposium," Seattle, WA 2/16/97.

Magilavy, Beryl. 2001. “Moving Sustainable Development from Theory to Practice.”  [Click here].

Andrew Steer. 1996. “Ten Principles of the New Environmentalism.” [Click here].

Martin Khor. “Globalisation and sustainable development: Challenges for Johannesburg.” [Click here].

“Principles Of Sustainable Livelihoods.” January 13-15, 1995. [Click here].


methods, strategies, and approaches

Ali Bagheri, Peder Hjorth. 2006. “Planning for sustainable development: a paradigm shift towards a process-based approach.” Sustainable Development. [Click here].

Anna Kukla-Gryz. 2006. “Use of structural equation modeling to examine the relationships between growth, trade and the environment in developing countries.” Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. [Click here].

Simon Bell, Stephen Morse. 2006. “Story telling in sustainable development projects.” Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. [Click here].

Darren A. SwansonLászló Pintér, François Bregha, Axel Volkery, Klaus Jacob, IISD and GTZ , 2004. “National Strategies for Sustainable Development: Challenges, Approaches and Innovations in Strategic and Co-ordinated Action.” International Institute for Sustainable Development; Stratos Inc.; the Environmental Policy Research Centre of the Freie Universität Berlin; and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development). [Click here].

Gabriel Eweje. 2006. “Strategic partnerships between MNEs and civil society: the post-WSSD perspectives.” Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. [Click here].

“National Sustainable Development Strategies.” 2006. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs: Division for Sustainable Development. [Click here].

Sardar M. N. Islam, Matthew F. Clarke. 2005. “The welfare economics of measuring sustainability: a new approach based on social choice theory and systems analysis.” Sustainable Development. Volume 13, Issue 5, Date: December 2005, Pages: 282-296. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. [Click here].

 “Asia pacific economic cooperation forum.” 1997. Meeting of environment ministers on sustainable development. 9-11  June 1997 in Toronto, Canada. For the summary report, click here.

J. Keith Rennie, Naresh Singh. 1996. “Participatory Research for Sustainable Livelihoods: A Guidebook for Field Projects.” [Click here].

Peter Hardi, László Pintér, 1995. “Models and Methods of Measuring Sustainable Development Performance.” Peter Hardi, László Pintér, 1995. “Models and Methods of Measuring Sustainable Development Performance.” [Click here].

Bill Hopwood , Mary Mellor, Geoff O'Brien. 2005. “Sustainable development: mapping different approaches.” Sustainable Cities Research Institute, University of Northumbria, Newcastle on Tyne, UK. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. [Click here]. 

Vangile Titi, Naresh C. Singh. 1995. “Empowerment for Sustainable Development: Towards Operational Strategies.”  IISD. [Click here].


global institutions in sustainable development

 “The World Bank: A Commitment to Environmentally and Socially Responsible Growth.” 2004. [Click here]. Other source about World Bank and SD [Click here].

 The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). “Sustainable Development Strategy: 2004–2006.” [Click here].

 Anup Shah. 2000. “Non-governmental Organizations on Development Issues?” [Click here].

various declarations on sustainable development

Delhi Declaration: Brazil, Russia, China, South Africa - March 29,2012. [Click here].

Agenda 21. Declaration of Rio - Priorities for action. 1992. Earth Summit at Rio, Brazil. [Click here].

World Summit on Sustainable Development. 2002. Johannesburg, Africa. [Click here].

“The Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development.” 4 September 2002. [Click here].

The Cartagena Protocol - a battle over trade or biosafety? 1999.  [Click here]. Source: Third World Resurgence No. 104-105 (Apr/May 1999). Publication date: April 01, 1999. Posting date: February 15, 2004.

“Manitoba Round Table on Environment & Economy.” 1994. [Click here].

“The Dublin Statement On Water and Sustainable Development.” 1992. [Click here].

Vangile Titi, Richard Strickland, Naresh C. Singh. 1995. “Sustainable Development and the World Summit for Social Development.” IISD. [Click here].

ecological issues

“Environment.” SD Gateway. [Click here].

“Biodiversity.” [Click here]. Another article here. Still another here.

Fred Pearce. 2006. “Instant Expert: Climate Change.” news service. New Scientist Tech.  [Click here].“Energy for Sustainable Development: The Challenge.” [Click here].

“Climate Change.” United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs: Division for Sustainable Development. [Click here].

Fred Pearce. 2006. “The poor will pay for global warming.” 11 November 2006. New Scientist Tech.  Magazine issue 2577. [Click here].

 Anne Hammill. 2004. “Focusing on Current Realities: It’s time for the impacts of climate change to take centre stage.” IISD Commentary. [Click here].

“Desertification.” [Click here].

“Desertification - Causes.” [Click here].

Desertification–Effects. [Click here].

“Desertification and Drought.” United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs: Division for Sustainable Development. [Click here].

“Ozone Layer.” [Click here].

“Ozone Science: The Facts Behind the Phaseout.” [Click here]. “The Science of Ozone Depletion.” [Click here].“Energy for Sustainable Development: The Challenge.” [Click here].“An Overview of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act.” [Click here].“Municipal Solid Waste (MSW).” [Click here].“Urban Solid Waste Management” [Click here].Waste management.” [Click here].Andrew M. King, Stuart C. Burgess, Winnie Ijomah, Chris A. McMahon. 2005. “Reducing waste: repair, recondition, remanufacture or recycle?”  John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. Sustainable DevelopmentVolume 14, Issue 4 , Pages 257 – 267. Published Online: 29 Dec 2005. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. and ERP Environment. [Click here].“Hazardous Wastes.” United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs: Division for Sustainable Development. [Click here].“Radioactive Wastes.” [Click here].“Solid Wastes.” [Click here].

“Toxic Chemicals.” [Click here].

economic issues in sustainable development

Global Issues. [Click here].

“Poverty.” United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs: Division for Sustainable Development. [Click here ].

Ray Hudson. 2005. “Towards sustainable economic practices, flows and spaces: or is the necessary impossible and the impossible necessary?” Sustainable Development. Volume 13, Issue 4, Pages 239 – 252. Published Online: 29 Sep 2005. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. and ERP Environment. [Click here].

Anantha K. Duraiappah. 2000. “Sustainable Development and Poverty Alleviation Exploring the Links.” IISD. [Click here]. Daniel Morrow. 2001. “Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers And Sustainable Development, Ottawa, January 23, 2001.”IISD. [Click here].A. Markandya. 2001. “Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Development: Implications for the Management of Natural Capital,” IISD. [Click here].Gilberto Gallopin. 1994. “Impoverishment and Sustainable Development: A Systems Approach.” IISD. [Click here].

“Ecological Debt.” [Click here].

“Trade and Sustainable Development.” United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs: Division for Sustainable Development. [Click here].

“Environment and Trade: A Handbook.” 2005. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP and International Institute for Sustainable Development(IISD). [Click here].

Howard Mann, Konrad von Moltke, Aaron Cosbey, Luke Eric Peterson, 2005. “IISD Model International Agreement on Investment for Sustainable Development - Negotiators' Handbook.” [Click here].

Mark Schreiner. 2006. “A Simple Poverty Scorecard for the Philippines.” Center for Social Development, Washington University of St. Louis. [Click here].

“Towards A Southern Agenda on Investment: Summary of Country Studies and Some Observations.” IISD, IISD, 2004. [Click here].

Mark Schreiner. 2006. “Simple Poverty Progress Indices for Bangladesh, Haiti, India, Mexico, Pakistan, and the Philippines.” Microfinance Risk Management, L.L.C. Washington D.C., U.S.A. A power-point presentation on the application of the poverty scorecard in six selected countries. [Click here].

William Young, Karla Utting. 2005. “Fair trade, business and sustainable development.” Sustainable Development. Volume 13, Issue 3, pp. 139-142. Published Online: 28 Jun 2005.  Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  [Click here].

Delyse Springett. 2005. ”Education for sustainability in the business studies curriculum: a call for a critical agenda.” Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. Business Strategy and the EnvironmentVolume 14, Issue 3 , Pages 146 – 159. Special Issue: Educating for Sustainability. Issue Edited by Delyse Springett, Kate Kearins. Published Online: 20 Apr 2005.  Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. [Click here].

Katie Williams, Carol Dair. 2006. “A framework of sustainable behaviours that can be enabled through the design of neighbourhood-scale developments.”  Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. [Click here].

political issues in sustainable development

Adil Najam, Mihaela Papa, Nadaa Taiyab. 2006. “Global Environmental Governance: A Reform Agenda.” [Click here].

Merkel, Christine M. 1995. "Sustainability and Democracy in Industrialized Countries." The author is a staff member of the German UNESCO Commission. A Conference sponsored by IBASE and WEED. Bonn, October, 1995.  [Click here].

Vangile Titi, Naresh Singh. 1995. “Empowerment: Towards Sustainable Development.” IISD.  Fernwood Publishing and Zed Books.  [Click here].

Ralph A. Luken. 2006. “Where is developing country industry in sustainable development planning?”. Volume 14, Issue 1 , Pages 46 – 61. Published Online: 27 Jan 2006. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. and ERP Environment. [Click here].

Bill Hopwood , Mary Mellor, Geoff O'Brien. 2005. “Sustainable development: mapping different approaches.” Sustainable Cities Research Institute, University of Northumbria, Newcastle on Tyne, UK. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. [Click here].

Progress in Environmental law Drafting in South Eastern Europe.” 186 pages, December 2005. [Click here].

Goldsmith, Edward. 1993. “Development and Colonialism.” Published in Ecoscript No. 35, by the Foundation for Eco-development. [Click here].

The International Bill of Human Rights.” Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.  This includes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 1966International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political RightsSecond Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty. [Click here].

“The Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights.” This was adopted unanimously and by acclamation at UNESCO's 29th General Conference on 11 November 1997. The following year, the United Nations General Assembly endorsed the Declaration. [Click here].

Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights 11 November 1997. [Click here].

“Implementation of the Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights.” [Click here].

cultural issues in sustainable development

Huntington, Sammuel P. 1997. “The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. Touchstone. [Click here].

IISD. 2001. “Integrating Aboriginal Values into Land-Use and Resource Management.” [Click here].

“Sustainable Forests and Indigenous Issues.” [Click here].

Connor, James L. S.J. 1999. “Global Economy and Cultures.” Woodstock Report, October 1999, No. 59. Copyright © 1999 Woodstock Theological Center. All rights reserved. [Click here].

IISD. 2003. “Traditional Knowledge and Patentability.” IISD Trade and Development Brief, Number 7 of 9, 2003. [Click here].

Dahl, Stephan. “Communications and Culture Transformation: Cultural Diversity, Globalization and Cultural Convergence.” [Click here]. Also read this article.

Ferraro, Vincent.  1997. "The Challenge of Tradition.“ A Talk to the Mount Holyoke College European Alumnae Council Amsterdam, 22 March 1997.   [Click here].

Goswami, Rahul. 2003. “Globalization Erodes Local Languages, Fuels 'Glocal' English.” Inter Press Service. July 30, 2003. [Click here].

Latham, A. J. H. 2001. “Karl Polanyi: Some Observations.” June 27, 2001. [Click here].

Rothkop, David. 1997. “In Praise of Cultural Imperialism? Effects of Globalization on Culture.” Foreign Policy. June 22, 1997. [Click here].

social issues in sd

“Sanitation.” United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs: Division for Sustainable Development. [Click here].

“Demographics.” United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs: Division for Sustainable Development. [Click here].

Kostas P. Bithas, M. Christofakis. 2006. “Environmentally sustainable cities. Critical review and operational conditions.” Sustainable Development. Volume 14, Issue 3 , Pages 177 – 189. Published Online: 13 Jan 2006. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. and ERP Environment. [Click here].

David Satterthwaite. 1997. “Sustainable Cities or Cities that Contribute to Sustainable Development?” Volume 34, Number 10 / October 1, 1997. [Click here].

accounting issues in sd

Kala Saravanamuthu. 2005. “Emancipatory accounting and sustainable development: a Gandhian-Vedic theorization of experimenting with truth.” University of New England, Australia. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. [Click here].

Judy Brown, Michael Fraser. 2006. “Approaches and perspectives in social and environmental accounting: an overview of the conceptual landscape.” Business Strategy and the Environment. Volume 15, Issue 2, Date: March/April 2006, Pages: 103-117. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. [Click here].

Matthew Clarke, Sardar M. N. Islam. 2005. “National account measures and sustainability objectives: present approaches and future prospects.” Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. [Click here].

P. Bartelmus. 2001. “Accounting for Sustainability: Greening the National Accounts,” in M. K. Tolba (ed.), Our Fragile World, Forerunner to the Encyclopedia of Life Support System, Vol. II, pp. 1721-1735.

Dieren, Wouter van (ed). 1995. “Taking nature into account : a report to the Club of Rome.” New York: Copernicus (Springer Verlag), 1995. 332 pp. [Click here]. Repetto, Robert. 1992. “Earth in the balance sheet: incorporating natural resources in national income accounts.” Environment (September 1992): 13-45 pp. [Click here].UN Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis. 1993. “Integrated environmental and economic accounting.” Interim version. New York, NY: United Nations, 1993. 182 pp. [Click here].

alternative models and paradigms

Amir Abbas Rassafi, Hossain Poorzahedy, Manouchehr Vaziri. 2006. “An alternative definition of sustainable development using stability and chaos theories.” Sustainable Development. Volume 14, Issue 1 , Pages 62 – 71. Published Online: 24 Nov 2005. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. and ERP Environment. [Click here].

 Ali Bagheri, Peder Hjorth. 2006. “Planning for sustainable development: a paradigm shift towards a process-based approach.” Sustainable Development. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. [Click here].

Robert Hay. 2005. “Becoming ecosynchronous, Part 1: The root causes of our unsustainable way of life.” Sustainable Development. Volume 13, Issue 5 , Pages 311 – 325. Published Online: 2 Aug 2005. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. and ERP Environment. [Click here].

Her-Jiun Sheu, Shih-Fang Lo. 2005. “A new conceptual framework integrating environment into corporate performance evaluation.” Sustainable Development. Volume 13, Issue 2, Pages 79-90 (April 2005). Published Online: 4 Apr 2005. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. [Click here].