
Space is Vanishing

January 5, 2019


Today, the concern for more space is getting pressing and glaring more than ever. We know that water occupies 75% of the Earth’s surface, leaving a sustainable land area of 25% for us to occupy. Yet, only 15% of this 25% land area is found to be livable to us since the remaining areas are either covered with sands or ice shelves. There are unavoidable factors that cause all this. These include the following:

  1. rapid melting of our glaciers,
  2. continuing rise of sea levels that submerge low-lying areas and reduce land hectarage,
  3. use of all those hazardous wastes that pollute our rivers and oceans,
  4. frequent flooding and landslides,
  5. desertification of the metropolis,
  6. loss of ecosystem,
  7. wetland destructions,
  8. shortages of potable water,
  9. endless bombardments of deadly chemicals and pesticides, 
  10. frequent occurrences of tsunamis, storm surges, hurricanes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, and nuclear accidents, as we learned from our past, can cause the loss of hundreds and thousands of lives in many affected areas.
  11. periodic cosmic events aggravate our already precarious conditions like the hundreds of meteors, asteroids, and comets, many of them heading towards our direction,


These factors have forced millions of people to migrate to more habitable and productive lands, many of which are already privately owned and occupied. Immigration is no longer a viable option. So many countries are now closing their borders to immigrants, Others are even sending their residents abroad and prohibiting their own citizens to go back to their homeland.The urgency to do something quick and fast is becoming more pressing. Paradoxically, we are also the only ones that can solve the problems we caused to exist.

What is Space Made of?

December 29, 2018


The recent theory I know is to view space as an energy field from which elements or particles get their mass. Some refer to this as the Higgs field from which bosons also get their mass.

This energy is at the same time a force field, making it self-propelling and infinitely self-expanding.

But this theory is still subjected to a series of empirical testing at the LHC in Switzerland.

Indeed, where did space get its mass- generating capability? If one subscribes to the parallel universes and multiverse theories as well as their predecessors String Theory and M Theory, then, we can infer that it must have come from the other universes out there.

Two universes out there collided in a Big Bag fashion that produced our universe which in turn created our mass-generating space "during the Planck era", then expanded indefinitely onwards.

But again, the question remains. Where did those universes out there get their mass?

I don't want to drag the idea of God into the cosmic landscape, since this is outside science's field of expertise. The most I can invoke here is the idea of the existence of energy (E) in the tradition of Einstein’s E=mc squared, where E can be interpreted as Primal and Absolute from which m (matter or the manifested) came from. E as such has the innate power to manifest itself as mass, embedding in turn this power on "m".

Being so, Einstein is justified to say that m has also the power to convert and transform itself into E.

But where did E get this power? I will invoke Carl Sagan saying that the Cosmos has always existed. It has no beginning and probably no end, making it infinite, encompassing, and omnipotent.

I am personally satisfied with this explanation at the moment until new ideas and theories emerge.

This concept E is being hijacked by today's so called New Age Religion and interpret this as their God considering that science ascribes attributes to E that are religious sounding like omnipresent, uncreated, unborn, undying, unmanifested, even referring to it as the alpha and omega, in the tradition of Teilhard de Chardin.

Well, that's their prerogative but science derives its theory, not based on religious grounds, dogmas, or doctrines.